1)Create table Query
CREATE TABLE tbl_StudentData(Id number(3) primary key identity(1,1),
Roll number(3),
Name varchar2(50),
Age number(2),
Address varchar2(100)
desc varachar2(200)
2)insert data in table
INSERT INTO tbl_StudentData (Roll,Name,Age,Address,desc) VALUES(1,'Hitesh Kaklotar',22,'Surat Gujarat','problemaspdotnet.blogspot.in')
3)Display data from table
--> display all row and all column
SELECT * FROM tbl_StudentData
--> display selected column and all row
SELECT Name,Address FROM tbl_StudentData
--> display selected roew and all column
SELECT * FROM tbl_StudentData WHERE Id=1 Or
select * FROM tbl_StudentData WHERE Age>21
-->display selected row and selected column
SELECT Name,Age FROM tbl_StudentData WHERE Id=1
4)Update data in table
--> Update all record
UPDATE tbl_StudentData SET Desc='problemaspdotnet.blogspot.in'
--> update record with condition
UPDATE tbl_StudentData SET name='kaklotar hitesh', Age=23, Address="Tared Mahuva Bhavnagar" WHERE Id=1
5)Delete data in table
--> delete all record
DELETE FROM tbl_StudetData
--> delete record with condition
DELETE FROM tbl_StudetData WHERE Id=2
6)Destroying table
DROP TABLE tbl_tablename
7)Truncate table
--> You can also uset TRUNCATE command for all redord delete in table
TRUNCATE TABLE tbl_StudentData
8)Display data with sorting asscnding or descending
--> display data ascending order
SELECT * FROM tbl_studentData ORDER BY Name
--> display data descending order
SELECT * FROM tbl_studentData ORDER BY Name DESC
9)Group by Query
--> Here table tbl_StudentData also add one column name city.
--> Suppose you want to get record how many student's city is same OR
--> how many student comes for different diffrent city , then use following Query
SELECT COUNT(Id) AS student_For_one_City ,City FROM tbl_StudentData GROUP BY (City)
10)Types of Join
--> Add one table name tbl_Hostel(Field:id,Hostel_Name)
-->Simple join
SELECT tbl_StudentData.Name,tbl_Hostel.Hostel_Name FROM tbl_StudentData WHERE tbl_StudentData.Id=tbl_Hostel .Id
-->Inner join
SELECT ts.Name,th.Hostel_Name FROM tbl_StudentData ts INNER JOIN tbl_Hostel th ON ts.Id=th.Id
-->Left join
SELECT ts.Name,th.Hostel_Name FROM tbl_StudentData ts LEFT JOIN tbl_Hostel th ON ts.Id=th.Id
-->Right join
SELECT ts.Name,th.Hostel_Name FROM tbl_StudentData ts RIGHT JOIN tbl_Hostel th ON ts.Id=th.Id
-->Full join(Cross join)
SELECT ts.Name,th.Hostel_Name FROM tbl_StudentData ts FULL OUTER JOIN tbl_Hostel th ON ts.Id=th.Id
11)Aggregate function(max,min,top,Count)
-->if you want to get max id in table that time use max() function select Query
SELECT MAX(id) as max_id FROM tbl_StudentData
--->if you want to get min id in table that time use min() function select Query
SELECT MIN(id) as min_id FROM tbl_StudentData
-->if you want to get top 10 record from the table then use following query
SELECT TOP(10),* FROM tbl_StudentData
--> count the no. of record in table then use following query
SELECT COUNT(id) as Total_Record FROM tbl_StudentData
12)Query operator
--> You can also use Query operator like or,and ,>,<,is,In,between,is null,not etc.
where condition in your select ,delete and update query
SELECT Name FROM tbl_StudentData WHERE id<10 AND Age IS NULL
CREATE TABLE tbl_StudentData(Id number(3) primary key identity(1,1),
Roll number(3),
Name varchar2(50),
Age number(2),
Address varchar2(100)
desc varachar2(200)
2)insert data in table
INSERT INTO tbl_StudentData (Roll,Name,Age,Address,desc) VALUES(1,'Hitesh Kaklotar',22,'Surat Gujarat','problemaspdotnet.blogspot.in')
3)Display data from table
--> display all row and all column
SELECT * FROM tbl_StudentData
--> display selected column and all row
SELECT Name,Address FROM tbl_StudentData
--> display selected roew and all column
SELECT * FROM tbl_StudentData WHERE Id=1 Or
select * FROM tbl_StudentData WHERE Age>21
-->display selected row and selected column
SELECT Name,Age FROM tbl_StudentData WHERE Id=1
4)Update data in table
--> Update all record
UPDATE tbl_StudentData SET Desc='problemaspdotnet.blogspot.in'
--> update record with condition
UPDATE tbl_StudentData SET name='kaklotar hitesh', Age=23, Address="Tared Mahuva Bhavnagar" WHERE Id=1
5)Delete data in table
--> delete all record
DELETE FROM tbl_StudetData
--> delete record with condition
DELETE FROM tbl_StudetData WHERE Id=2
6)Destroying table
DROP TABLE tbl_tablename
7)Truncate table
--> You can also uset TRUNCATE command for all redord delete in table
TRUNCATE TABLE tbl_StudentData
8)Display data with sorting asscnding or descending
--> display data ascending order
SELECT * FROM tbl_studentData ORDER BY Name
--> display data descending order
SELECT * FROM tbl_studentData ORDER BY Name DESC
9)Group by Query
--> Here table tbl_StudentData also add one column name city.
--> Suppose you want to get record how many student's city is same OR
--> how many student comes for different diffrent city , then use following Query
SELECT COUNT(Id) AS student_For_one_City ,City FROM tbl_StudentData GROUP BY (City)
10)Types of Join
--> Add one table name tbl_Hostel(Field:id,Hostel_Name)
-->Simple join
SELECT tbl_StudentData.Name,tbl_Hostel.Hostel_Name FROM tbl_StudentData WHERE tbl_StudentData.Id=tbl_Hostel .Id
-->Inner join
SELECT ts.Name,th.Hostel_Name FROM tbl_StudentData ts INNER JOIN tbl_Hostel th ON ts.Id=th.Id
-->Left join
SELECT ts.Name,th.Hostel_Name FROM tbl_StudentData ts LEFT JOIN tbl_Hostel th ON ts.Id=th.Id
-->Right join
SELECT ts.Name,th.Hostel_Name FROM tbl_StudentData ts RIGHT JOIN tbl_Hostel th ON ts.Id=th.Id
-->Full join(Cross join)
SELECT ts.Name,th.Hostel_Name FROM tbl_StudentData ts FULL OUTER JOIN tbl_Hostel th ON ts.Id=th.Id
11)Aggregate function(max,min,top,Count)
-->if you want to get max id in table that time use max() function select Query
SELECT MAX(id) as max_id FROM tbl_StudentData
--->if you want to get min id in table that time use min() function select Query
SELECT MIN(id) as min_id FROM tbl_StudentData
-->if you want to get top 10 record from the table then use following query
SELECT TOP(10),* FROM tbl_StudentData
--> count the no. of record in table then use following query
SELECT COUNT(id) as Total_Record FROM tbl_StudentData
12)Query operator
--> You can also use Query operator like or,and ,>,<,is,In,between,is null,not etc.
where condition in your select ,delete and update query
SELECT Name FROM tbl_StudentData WHERE id<10 AND Age IS NULL
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