how to get data from the Excel file
-- > add name space in your code behind file
using System.IO;
--> next following code paste in your code behind file
StreamReader objReader;
string fileExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension("Your Excel file");
//File name for get extension of the file
if (fileExt == ".csv" || fileExt == ".CSV")
int linenum =0;
objReader = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath("Your Excel file"));
textline = objReader.ReadLine();
if (textline != "")
string[] Data;
Data;= textline.Split(',');
// your Excel file in first row all data in array member by splite function
// You can split data in array like following changes
/* string[] data = line.Split('-');
string[] data = line.Split('/');
string[] data = line.Split('/');
string[] data = line.Split(' ');
string[] data = line.Split('Your specific character');
//now Your data in array and you use follows
string code = data[0];
string name = data[1];
string date = data[2];
// you can create sql query for insert above data (data[0],data[1]....) data in database
if (linenum == 0)
linenum++;//it is for change new line or next line in notepad file
} while (objReader.Peek() != -1);// it is for end of the file
else //when file is not excel then message
Label1.Text="Select .CSV File only</span>";
--> above function use on click event and fetch data from the Excel file
how to get data from the Excel file
-- > add name space in your code behind file
using System.IO;
--> next following code paste in your code behind file
StreamReader objReader;
string fileExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension("Your Excel file");
//File name for get extension of the file
if (fileExt == ".csv" || fileExt == ".CSV")
int linenum =0;
objReader = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath("Your Excel file"));
textline = objReader.ReadLine();
if (textline != "")
string[] Data;
Data;= textline.Split(',');
// your Excel file in first row all data in array member by splite function
// You can split data in array like following changes
/* string[] data = line.Split('-');
string[] data = line.Split('/');
string[] data = line.Split('/');
string[] data = line.Split(' ');
string[] data = line.Split('Your specific character');
//now Your data in array and you use follows
string code = data[0];
string name = data[1];
string date = data[2];
// you can create sql query for insert above data (data[0],data[1]....) data in database
if (linenum == 0)
linenum++;//it is for change new line or next line in notepad file
} while (objReader.Peek() != -1);// it is for end of the file
else //when file is not excel then message
Label1.Text="Select .CSV File only</span>";
--> above function use on click event and fetch data from the Excel file
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