Tuesday, 16 June 2015

how to access asp.net website in LAN

how to access asp.net website in LAN


Here I will explain how to access asp.net website or application in LAN. If you want to access asp.net website in LAN then do following step and you can access asp.net website, project or application in LAN. to access asp.net project in another pc which is connected in LAN. Actually one user of my blog reader has asked me solution for this" access  project on any to the any PC using local IP address " application.

we can access the asp.net website or project in LAN 

So, Now I explaining how to create chat application in asp.net using c# with WebSocket.


In previously post I explained to  
Three tier architecture in asp.net
Remove .aspx from url in asp.net
how to create chat application in asp.net using c#
Change the column name or datatype or size in sql server
upload or publish web-site
Calling web service without adding web reference



Step 1: Fitst open your local server and go to IIS

Step 2: Create application or website in IIS

Step 3: and go to Start=>Run=>cmd=> ipconfig   - enter this command for get IP address ,
            take IPV4 address.

Step 4: Access the web site from another pc which is connected in LAN,
            you can use like this

    http://server-IPV4-Address/MyProjetName/MyPageName.aspx        OR



  You can not use above in outside the LAN , only access in your LAN.


  1. If client performs any update will it update in our local server or Not?

  2. If client performs any update will it update in our local server database or Not?

    1. Yes, Local server database is update when any client performs any update.


Asp.net tutorials