--> some time required when new user register on particular website that time
create new database automatically from script file.
--> script file: script file is database creation code you can create script file from your exist database using asp.net with c# code
how to create script file , the step is following
-->right click on your database (SQL server 2008 )
-->select script database as
-->select create and file to
-->and open save as dialogue box set name and path where you want save this script file
-->and click save
-->then some process is done and create script file in your download folder or where you set the path when open dialogue box
-->and you must be changes path in script file (open script file and remove or change the local computer path) other-wise your code gives error
--> add following code in your code behind file
-->required following namespace
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common;
-->and create following function
public void CreateDatabaseFromScriptfile()
cn4 = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=path\SQLEXPRESS,53286;Initial Catalog=databasename;User ID=sa;Password=pwd;"); //Connecrtion string
string strdbname = "db_" + txtAccountName.Text; //this is for new databsase name
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath("Database_Code") + "\\" + "scriptFile.sql");
//Here path where your script file is store
string strscript = file.OpenText().ReadToEnd();
// in strscript string variable assign script code for replace the database name and execute server side
string strupdatescript = strscript.Replace("[OldDatabaseName]", strdbname);
// OldDatabaseName which is you set : when you create script file from which database , set this database name
Server server = new Server(new ServerConnection(cn4));
//this executed on server side and create new database , and this database name is value of strdbname
--> above function take some more time for create new database on server side
--> and this function use on click event or any where which you want to
create new database automatically from script file.
--> script file: script file is database creation code you can create script file from your exist database using asp.net with c# code
how to create script file , the step is following
-->right click on your database (SQL server 2008 )
-->select script database as
-->select create and file to
-->and open save as dialogue box set name and path where you want save this script file
-->and click save
-->then some process is done and create script file in your download folder or where you set the path when open dialogue box
-->and you must be changes path in script file (open script file and remove or change the local computer path) other-wise your code gives error
--> add following code in your code behind file
-->required following namespace
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common;
-->and create following function
public void CreateDatabaseFromScriptfile()
cn4 = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=path\SQLEXPRESS,53286;Initial Catalog=databasename;User ID=sa;Password=pwd;"); //Connecrtion string
string strdbname = "db_" + txtAccountName.Text; //this is for new databsase name
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath("Database_Code") + "\\" + "scriptFile.sql");
//Here path where your script file is store
string strscript = file.OpenText().ReadToEnd();
// in strscript string variable assign script code for replace the database name and execute server side
string strupdatescript = strscript.Replace("[OldDatabaseName]", strdbname);
// OldDatabaseName which is you set : when you create script file from which database , set this database name
Server server = new Server(new ServerConnection(cn4));
//this executed on server side and create new database , and this database name is value of strdbname
--> above function take some more time for create new database on server side
--> and this function use on click event or any where which you want to